Developing Your Individuality

by | Jun 9, 2020 | At Home, Fashion, Spring, Summer

When I first started Simply Stylish Blog in 2017, my vision was to inspire each one of you that reads my posts to create a happy style and life that you genuinely love. One that is unique and special to you! My vision is still true today, and I realized that I have not talked about it as much as I feel I need/want to. First off, we all have similarities between each other which is great because it allows us connect but, I have noticed lately that within myself and even the world, individuality is something that is a big struggle. My personal belief is that God created each one of us with a purpose. Living out that purpose means to focus on what makes you happy (as well as caring for others) rather than comparing to anyone else, or even trying to live a similar life to theirs. From a vulnerable place, blogging has definitely tested my self love over the years, and I am just now getting to a place of acceptance that I am “good enough” in many areas of my life.

I am determined to enjoy my journey while comparing and stressing less, so here are a few ways that I have been able to find an individual style that I can say is truly ME! I hope these tips help you find a few ways to create your own personal style to love as well.

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For me, this space is Pinterest! I have been an avid Pinterest user since it first came out, and let me tell you the inspiration is endless. Each board of mine represents all parts of my life from “what I like to eat”, “outfit ideas I want to recreate”, to “where I want to travel”, and “what I want my house to look like”. These are a few of the many boards I have created over the years, and I am always finding new ideas that boost my creative outlet and help me see my interests in one place. If you are ever feeling like you are loosing sight of what you enjoy doing in life or even what your style is, Jump on the Pinterest wagon. It’s such a great reminder. I also love to see what I pinned years ago to see how my interests have changed, and how I am growing.

Another space you can use to collect your favorite things is mood boards. Again, you can use Pinterest to create a mood board, or you can create mood boards on Google Docs, Word, Canva, Illustrator etc.. Anything that you can add pics to!

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It’s VERY easy to start comparing when scrolling on Instagram and seeing lots of people in different areas of their life than yours. It’s no fun to loose confidence in yourself when noticing something someone is sharing that you don’t have, or don’t look like, etc.. So taking a few days off from Social Media can be extremely beneficial. Many times, when I start to go down the comparison trail I will get out of all socials immediately and begin doing things that I love such as spending time with family, cooking/baking, shopping, trying new beauty products-anything to shut down negative thinking. These breaks allow me to remember the happy things I enjoy doing, and create new interests that play into my individual style and overall life.

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Self Care

Self care is something I am working to improve. My weeks are pretty busy, and Ive honestly lost what it means to self care. Essentially, self care really is just focusing on you and what you are missing in your daily life. Whether that is pamper related, picking out a new wardrobe, or adapting healthy habits, try making some time to implement self care and you will feel more confident in your own skin. For me, I have been taking baths to relax and reflect. I also am making more daily to-do lists for a more organized week, so my stress levels decrease. After a few weeks of consistently using self care techniques, I can honestly say I’m feeling better inside and out plus I have a clear mind, and remeber what it means to be me!




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